Saturday, July 8, 2023

Getting Started with Python and Data Handling - KEY

What is the difference between keyword and identifier?

A keyword is a token which has a special meaning to the interpreter. Identifier is user-defined names for variables and functions.

2)    How many ways are there to represent an integer literal?

Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal forms

3)    What will be the sizes of following constants:

i)                   ‘\a’ – 1 byte

ii)                 “Reema\’s” - 7

iii)               “XY \

 YZ”  - 4

iv)               “””XY<Enter>

      YZ”””  - 5

3)    How do you create multi line strings

text = “welcome\




Text = “””welcome



5)    Write the following real constants in exponent form:

i)                   17.25              ii) 0.452

i) 0.1725 x 102   = 0.1725E102

ii) .0452 x 102 = .045210E01


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